Sunday, July 24, 2016


After a long hiatus we returned to the trail to continue our hike from the spillway going east.  Leaving early from Bismarck (6:00 a.m.), we arrived about an hour later parking in Riverdale near the Garrison Dam headquarters.  It was predicted to get hot today, so the early start allowed us to enjoy the mild temperatures under clear blue skies with a light northwest wind.

The hike was mostly an out-and-back on a gravel road (40th Ave.).  Fortunately, traffic was light and the edge of the road was in good condition.

(Looking south)

As we neared the turnoff to the spillway we recorded our soil for the hike.  It was a Mandan silt loam, a highly productive soil found in south central North Dakota.

(Coarse-silty, mixed, superactive, frigid Pachic Haplustoll)

(Mandan silt loam recorded on a footslope landscape position)

As we neared the spillway a doe and two fawns crossed our path.

(Moving fast)

On a much smaller scale, we caught a glimpse of a bee pollinating a wild rose along the road.


Once we reached the spillway, we retraced our steps to Riverdale, making the return hike in less than an hour.  Upon arriving, we enjoyed a nice overlook of the Garrison Dam and Lake Sakakawea.  The cool wind off of the lake was welcome after the (mostly) uphill hike.

(The spillway, looking from the southeast)

(Probably our last photo of the dam as we continue our journey east)